Templafy achieves ISO 14001 Certification: A commitment to our customers and environment 


Templafy achieves ISO 14001 Certification: A commitment to our customers and environment 

Green business is no longer a niche, but a necessity.

As Europe takes strides toward becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, the call for companies to take environmental responsibility is loud and clear.

That’s why we’re taking the important step, through ISO 14001 Certification, an internationally recognized Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to prove our commitment to climate action. 

This brief explainer article shares why ISO 14001 is important and how it protects our customers and the environment.  

In this article

    What is ISO 14001 Certification? 

    ISO 14001 Certification is an internationally recognized EMS certification that provides a framework for businesses to manage their environmental responsibilities effectively. 

    Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this framework provides guidelines for businesses to identify, manage, monitor, and reduce their environmental impact. 

    ISO 14001 certification aims to help businesses to protect natural resources and move towards circular business practices.  

    In short, ISO 14001 certification ensures that businesses:

    • Meet legal and regulatory requirements related to environmental protection 
    • Identify and control their impact on the environment 
    • Use resources efficiently 
    • Reduce waste

    ISO 14001 in action: How are we reducing our climate impact? 

    Gaining  ISO 14001 Certification has empowered us to examine every aspect of our business and assess the impact we have on our climate.  

    While it is not an industry that is known to have a significant negative impact on the environment, even within the software field there is room for improvement, and we are proud to be pioneering and innovating this positive change. 

    Through the ISO 14001 Certification process, we have committed to improve our resource consumption, CO2 emissions and waste, and reduce any negative impact on the environment. 

    We’re not just ticking boxes 

    Here’s how we’ve taken direct action to integrate environmental policies into our daily operations: 

    • We’ve introduced virtual solutions to minimize travel and reduce CO2 emissions 
    • We’ve introduced energy-efficient solutions to reduce consumption 
    • We reuse and recycle employee equipment, where possible 
    • All environmental aspects are assessed and ranked according to criteria

    Our green commitment is a commitment to you, too

    Here’s how our ISO 14001 Certification benefits our partners and customers. 

    We guarantee ongoing environmental compliance

    By obtaining ISO 14001 certification, we ensure that we are in compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations, and that we’re always up-to-date with ongoing changes. This mitigates the risk of legal issues and creates a culture of proactive environmental responsibility.

    We’re pioneering positive change, industry-wide

    As one of the first businesses in our industries to achieve ISO 14001 Certification, we continue to set the standard in sustainability. This accreditation is a testament to our culture of leadership and innovation. 

    We’re building a network of ESG-conscious companies

    We’re in this together.  

    At Templafy, we believe that environmental responsibility is a collective responsibility. We’re committed to building relationships with organizations that strive for more. In building a network of environmentally conscious companies, you will strengthen your own organization’s potential to achieve sustainability KPIs.