Tag: Template management
The 5 steps to better proposals
Creating new business documents can be a traumatic experience. Luckily, technology is catching up with demand, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
How to create the best document management strategy for your company
What do most office employees do with their day? They create documents. A huge amount of them. 500 billion each year according to Microsoft Office.
What is Enterprise Content Management?
Welcome to Part One of our Enterprise Content Management (ECM) series. We know that there’s a lot of jargon out there, so if you’re having trouble telling your DAMs from your DMS, or your CRMs from your ECMs, we’re here to help.
Never hear ‘I didn’t know where to find it’ again
“That looks good to go — just put it into our company template and send it out!” Simple enough instructions, right?
From brand police to brand ambassador
Brands have never been more visible. With the increasing ubiquity of media and commerce on every platform, brands have the opportunity to become household names with immediately recognizable visual elements.
How to ensure your colleagues find and use on-brand content every time
Imagine a beautiful garden with pockets of flowering plants, tranquil ponds, and stretches of manicured lawns. Cobblestone walkways wind through the area, offering meandering courses to enjoy the flora. There’s only one problem.
Validator update: enable absolute control over company-owned slides
With its new “Lock and push updates” function, Validator empowers admins to have full control over PowerPoint slide content created by the company.
Business enablement series: hybrid work requires hybrid tech
In May of this year, almost 40% of US adults* said they would consider quitting their jobs if their employers weren’t flexible about working remotely.
6 Must Have Microsoft Office PowerPoint Add-ins
We all know how easy it is to create poorly designed, long, and dull PowerPoint presentations, especially when pulling together a slide show at the very last minute. Sometimes we might even try to perk things up by adding a few animations or gimmicks, hoping that the audience won’t doze off halfway through the meeting.…
The ultimate keyboard shortcut guide for Word, PowerPoint and Excel
When you have powerful productivity tools in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel at your disposal, navigating them by clicking around with your mouse is the tech equivalent of riding a bicycle when you could be taking the bullet train. You need keyboard shortcuts!