Tag: Content automation
How to improve sales capacity through automation
In today’s competitive landscape, sales teams face increasing pressure to produce more than ever before with fewer resources. To accomplish this, sales leaders must find ways to enhance their team’s sales capacity and allow them to generate revenue more efficiently.
Forrester’s top three priorities for using content platforms
Content platforms can deliver critical support to companies that are in the process of scaling, automating, or digitizing their content-related workflows. But how do they differ?
Practical document automation will rule 2023
Just as the Industrial Revolution reimagined manufacturing, Practical Automation, especially document automation, is set to revolutionize knowledge work. Follow our expert predictions for the future of automation.
Creative automation: a starter guide
Learn how creative automation helps support content production by streamlining workflows, automating repetitive tasks, and increasing productivity while maintaining brand integrity.
Brand Industry series: branding for professional services
Our new professional branding series looks at how businesses are using their brand to gain market-share, competitive edge, enhanced online presence, credibility and profit in their sector. So far, we’ve focused on how companies in the legal and financial sectors, have served up best in class lessons for businesses looking to benefit from cultivating a…
Document management vs. content management: What’s the difference?
Although used interchangeably, there are key differences between document management and content management.
4 ways your content creation process might be increasing business risk
What are the main challenges facing today’s content creators? We explore four major obstacles in today’s content creation process.
5 New Ways to Think About the Document Creation Process
Most companies take great pride in the high-quality products and services that they offer, but they often overlook the one thing they spend more time producing than anything else: documents.
Large law firm automation trend: legal knowledge automation
Digital disruption and transformation has come a long way for an industry notoriously slow to embrace technology. Overcoming widespread security hangups and navigating tricky legacy system transitions, today’s law firms know they need to innovate to stay competitive and relevant in the sector.
Content is everything: the future of content in the Digital HQ
For most of us, our place of work looks very different today than it did just a couple of years ago.