Icon of a finger pushing rebrand button

Rebrand activation: how to ensure the ROI from your rebrand


Rebrand activation: how to ensure the ROI from your rebrand

Icon of a finger pushing rebrand button

Rebrands are like snowflakes: no two are exactly the same.

Still, depending on the size of the company and the scope of the rebranding exercise, enterprises can expect to spend between 10 and 20 percent of their marketing budget – and six to eight months – reimaging their brand image.

With an investment of that size, it’s important to plan ahead not just to anticipate the cost, but also to measure the return of that effort. 

The problem is that much of the work of a rebrand focuses on the creative aspect. And while that’s certainly vital to a successful rebrand, if a company neglects the practical side of the brand event – aligning on business goals, planning a smooth rollout, and getting employee buy-in – those beautiful creative assets won’t ever get the opportunity to perform.

In this article

    Deciding to do a brand refresh

    Today, 54% of full time employees say they think a rebrand would ultimately be beneficial for their company.

    So what is holding companies back from starting the rebranding process? 

    Cost is a factor, of course, but beyond that, the workload and time needed to properly complete a company-wide rebrand can be overwhelming.

    In fact, almost 7 out of 10 (69%) workers said that updating all of the company content would be one of the most challenging aspects of rebranding, and 39% have put it off due to a lack of resources.

    A rebrand is an investment in your company’s future. And like any investment, there is an associated risk. 

    So before beginning down the path to rebranding, it’s important to think holistically about the overall goals, strategy, and methods for implementation to ensure that investment isn’t a gamble. 

    Defining business goals and planning resources

    How exactly do you measure the impact of a rebrand?

    Sales, consumer behavior, brand perception, net promoter score, and media response are all valid metrics. 

    But in addition to those factors, it’s important to also measure and optimize for internal adoption. 

    In other words, employees need to be fully enabled to use the new brand from day one – in every possible format and file type, integrated into their familiar workflows – and that means making it easier to switch to using new brand materials than continuing to use off-brand content.

    Because as any rebrand veteran will tell you, the real resource-heavy phase is what comes after the big launch.

    Launching with impact: activating your new brand

    So how do you ensure widespread adoption of your brand, both internally and externally?

    Perhaps the better question is not “how,” but “who.” 

    Today, almost 7 out of 10 (69%) of workers admit that they use Google to find company assets. Even without a major change, it’s hard to keep all employees on-brand and using up-to-date content. 

    It’s no wonder then that over three quarters (76%) of workers say they sometimes find mistakes in finalized content.

    The ultimate success (or failure) or a rebrand rests in the hands of the people who work with that brand every day.

    Your employees are your best ambassadors, but if they’re not equipped to present a unified picture of the new brand – without sacrificing productivity or efficiency in their daily workflow – then you’re going to lose out on the intended positive impact of your new brand. 

    Rebrands may be unique like snowflakes—but with proper content activation throughout your organization, they don’t have to melt away.

    To learn more about Templafy’s solution for brand departments, visit our dedicated page and find out how to make staying on-brand easier than going off-brand.