Recruitment privacy notice

Recruitment privacy notice

Templafy may process your personal data in our capacity as data controllers. This Recruitment Privacy Notice (“Privacy Notice”) describes how we handle and protect your personal data in connection with Templafy’s recruiting processes. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data.

As used in this Privacy Notice, “personal data” means information that identifies job applicants and potential candidates for employment with us, either submitted as part of the online application and/or through alternative channels. We will process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice, unless such processing conflicts with the requirements of applicable law, in which case, applicable law will prevail.

By submitting your personal data to us, you acknowledge that:

  • You have read and understood this Privacy Notice and agree to the use of your personal data as set out herein.
  • Your personal data may be transferred and processed worldwide, including countries that may not be deemed to provide the same level of data protection as your home country, for the purposes and in the manner specified in this Privacy Notice.
  • You are not required to provide any requested information to us, but failing to do so may result in not being able to continue your candidacy for the job for which you have applied.
  • All of your representations are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief, and you have not knowingly omitted any related information of an adverse nature. Providing any inaccurate information may make you ineligible for employment.

We usually collect personal data directly from you when you apply for a role with us, such as your name, address, contact information, photographs and videos, work and educational history, achievements, and test results. We collect similar personal data about you from third parties, such as professional recruiting firms, your references, prior employers, Templafy employees with whom you have interviewed, and employment background check providers, to the extent this is permitted by applicable law. We may also collect personal data about you online to the extent that you have made this information publicly available. For example, we may find your profile on professional social media websites (such as LinkedIn) and contact you about suitable roles.

Sensitive personal data is a subset of personal data and includes ethnicity, health, trade union membership, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, as well as other categories as prescribed by law. We do not seek to obtain and will not collect such data about a candidate.

Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of managing Controller’s recruitment related activities, which include setting up and conducting interviews and tests for applicants, evaluating and assessing the results thereto, and as is otherwise needed in the recruitment and hiring processes. Such processing is legally permissible under Art. 6(1)(f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) as necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller, which are the solicitation, evaluation, and selection of applicants for employment.

Your personal data may be accessed by recruiters and interviewers working in the country where the position for which you are applying is based, as well as by recruiters and interviewers working in different countries within the Templafy global organization.

We share your personal data with other third-party service providers that may assist us in recruiting talent, administering and evaluating pre-employment screening and testing, and improving our recruiting practices. We maintain processes designed to ensure that any processing of personal data by third party service providers is consistent with this Privacy Notice and protects the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of your personal data.

Sub-processor nameDescriptionData residency
Security safeguards
Greenhouse Software, IncApplication tracking systemUnited StatesGreenhouses’ Privacy Shield
The Predictive IndexBehavioural assessment tool and cognitive assessment toolUnited StatesPredictive Index’s Privacy Shield
Hireright softwareBackground screening toolUnited States for US residents EU for European citizensHireRight Privacy Shield
Qualified.ioSoftware engineering assessment toolUnited StatesQualified EU-US Privacy Shield

Your personal data will be retained by Controller as long as Controller determines it is necessary to evaluate your application for employment and no longer than 180 days after unsuccessful answer received. Thereafter, we retain a minimal amount of your personal data to record your recruiting activity with us to enable us to understand whether you have previously applied for a role (or roles) at Templafy.

We may want to remain in contact with you and consider you for future employment opportunities. In such an event, we will seek your consent.

We have implemented generally accepted standards of technical and operational security to protect personal data from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. Only authorized personnel of Templafy and of our third-party service providers are provided access to personal data, and these employees and third party service providers are required to treat this information as confidential.

We also have implemented measures that are designed to ensure that our processing of your personal data complies with this Privacy Notice and applicable law.

Under the GDPR, you have the right to request access to your personal data, to request that your personal data be rectified or erased, and to request that processing of your personal data be restricted. You also have to right to data portability. You can enact any right you have by contacting

To help protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access to your personal data. We will make reasonable attempts to promptly investigate, comply with, or otherwise respond to your requests as may be required by applicable law. Depending upon the circumstances and the request, we may not be permitted to provide access to personal data or otherwise fully comply with your request; for example, where producing your information may reveal the identity of someone else. We reserve the right to charge an appropriate fee for complying with your request where allowed by applicable law, and/or to deny your requests where, in the Firm’s discretion, they may be unfounded, excessive, or otherwise unacceptable under applicable law.

In addition, you may lodge a complaint with an EU supervisory authority.

Our application process allows you to pull relevant information from social media websites (such as LinkedIn, Google Drive and Dropbox) into your application form. If you choose to feed any personal data from such social media tools, it will be used in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

Effective date 27th March 2020.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or if you would like to communicate with our EU Data Protection Manager or the Data Privacy Team, please contact us at:

Attn: Privacy Department 
Templafy ApS 
Wilders Plads 15A 
1403 Copenhagen K 

Templafy reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice. We will post any changes to our Privacy Notice on this page. Please check this page regularly to keep up-to-date.