Category: Enterprise IT
The future of enterprise cloud solutions
The biggest difficulty in explaining the power of enterprise cloud solutions is that “Cloud” is the biggest naming failure in the history of computing. Clouds are fleeting and don’t last long. Clouds are vague and unclear. Clouds hide what should be visible. Clouds are unpredictable. How can you trust a “cloud” to be secure and…
Answers to Your Security Questions When Migrating to the Cloud
So, you are thinking about migrating to the cloud, migrating applications to cloud or migrating data to cloud – or even downsizing your data center and putting some or all your infrastructure there. But you have one big concern: security.
What Today’s Email Marketing Stats Tell Us About the Power of Email
For years, marketing and tech experts have been predicting the end of email. It hasn’t happened yet, and it seems increasingly unlikely it ever will. In fact, just the opposite is occurring. Look at today’s email marketing stats and you’ll see that email is flourishing, growing faster than predicted.
Law firm technology trends: what will 2018 bring?
2017 was the year ‘law got tech’. Historic structures were revolutionized by a more open attitude to legal technology, firms prospered from the introduction of more sophisticated platforms and cloud migration finally started to catch on. With last year’s solid groundwork laid for industry disruption, 2018 with impending data regulations, heightened competition and developments in…
2018 Enterprise Digital Transformation Roadmap
Enterprise digital transformation is a strong contender for ‘buzzword of 2018’. While there’s no doubt of its value and importance for businesses of all sizes – the digital transformation market is predicted to reach a staggering $431.71billion by 2021 – the term itself is often overused and misunderstood.
5 Financial Services Technology Trends
2017 – defined by Brexit, political unrest and economic uncertainty, was a tumultuous year for the financial industry. And while there’s no doubt that trade negotiations and pending regulations will continue to impact this year to come, it’s 2018 financial services technology trends that are tipped to be the primary driving force for change in…
Google Drive vs Dropbox: for Enterprises that give a DAM
Even just 5 years ago we didn’t have such high expectations for accessing and transferring business documents, emails and files as we do now. These days we consider anything less than immediate or just three clicks away to be inefficient. And all of this is possible due to cloud technology and some tech giants who…
What’s a key driver of productivity? Innovation.
When it comes to digital aids to boost workplace efficiency, companies today are spoiled for choice. And yet, managers are often slow to jump on board and update their processes in tandem with emerging technologies.
What to ask when evaluating an Enterprise Document Management system
A nationwide medical care operator loses nearly a million documents related to patients’ medical records, after an error of sending them to storage rather than delivery. Thousands of ongoing surgeries across the country are affected, and millions spent to retrieve the lost documents.
The Only Enterprise Tech Trends 2018 Forecast You Need
At the beginning of every new year, swaths of forecasts arrive on impactful tech trends for the next year. In 2018, we seem to have come at a crossroads in enterprise tech, reminiscent to 2007 where we were introduced to Hadoop and the iPhone.