Mott MacDonald

How Templafy supported Mott MacDonald’s overhaul of its legacy content management system

Global management

180+ offices worldwide


The challenges

  • Time-consuming maintenance and manual updates
  • Incompatible with the modern ways of working
  • Unreliable, corruptible tech
Why Mott MacDonald came to Templafy

Prior to deploying Templafy, Mott MacDonald operated with a legacy on-prem template system that had been custom-built by a third-party developer to be fully dependent on Microsoft applications. This led to three major challenges for the team.

Templates lived on-premise with all 16.5K machines, so even minor updates required weeks of disjointed, manual work. The effort spent maintaining templates was time-consuming, expensive, and “extremely painful”.

The legacy system had been custom-built to suit the existing requirements of the Microsoft applications of the time and was unable to support Microsoft 365 or cloud integrations.

Document corruption was common with the legacy system. Without the in-house ability to provide support for the system, the burden of recovering lost content fell to the users, with one group estimated to have spent nearly 200 hours were spent redoing corrupt documents.

“Templafy allows us to pull metadata into a single repository, which enables us to control and report on it. We had complete  blind spots with the way that the old template system used to work. Very, very problematic for our colleagues.”

Graeme Bland

Graeme Bland 

What has the feedback been from teams?

It’s been overwhelmingly positive, and everyone really likes it. We did three drop-in sessions across each of our regions, and everyone was really enthusiastic about Templafy and how it can help them in their day-to-day work.

What particularly resonated was the ease of accessing approved imagery and other assets without having to leave their document or presentation. The facts speak for themselves, and thousands of our employees across the business are using approved templates and marketing assets every day.

Time saving

Mott MacDonald leveraged Templafy to update its content creation workflow and introduce dynamic templates that remove manual tasks for both IT and colleagues in the business. This drastically improved the speed of delivery to clients and decreased the burden on IT – and all content remains compliant. 

About Mott MacDonald

The organization tackles urgent social, environmental, and economic challenges by assisting governments and businesses in planning, delivering, and sustaining strategic goals, while also responding to humanitarian and natural emergencies. It works to improve lives across various sectors, including buildings, communications, defense, education, environment, health, industry, mining, oil and gas, power, transport, urban development, and water. Its expertise spans planning, design, project finance, technical advisory, project management, and management consultancy.