Mercuri Urval

How Mercuri Urval implemented a global brand refresh using Templafy

Recruiting consultancy



The challenges

  • Outdated digital assets creating brand consistency
  • Employees wasting time looking for the right content
  • Marketing teams lacked technical autonomy
Why Mercuri Urval came to Templafy

When Mercuri Urval undertook a global brand refresh, they knew they needed a solution in place that would not only superpower their brand and drive business growth, but also protect them from non-compliant branded content production. With Templafy they were able to solve their three core challenges by standardizing access to branded assets and improving efficiency of content production across the organization.

Brand updates and templates were managed manually, meaning employees often used content — like email signatures — that were two or three versions out of date, negatively affecting the overall quality of shared material and in turn increasing risks to revenue.

Without a centralized solution that met them where they worked, employees lacked an efficient way to find up-to-date and on-brand content – spending hours searching, often without successful results.

Despite brand updates being the responsibility of their marketing teams, the IT department was the only one capable of company-wide rollouts, resulting in bottlenecks and delays.

How crucial was Templafy’s presence in the Microsoft Azure marketplace for the procurement process?

On the IT front, when seeking project board approval for the technical aspects, the fact that it was already there and had been through the accreditation process meant that most of the checks that needed to be done had already been completed.

Why was Templafy the right choice?

It was so fast. That’s the big thing. Before we implemented Templafy on every employee desktop, we put a huge amount of emphasis on the educational aspects and making sure we understood how the user experience would be.

Templafy really helped by providing a suite of resources to get started, which we housed on our intranet page. This was continually updated, and Templafy was quick to answer any questions we had, which reassured everyone internally that the right support was there when needed.

“Most of our employees aren’t PowerPoint experts, and they spent a ton of time editing documents and proposals. Templafy removed that barrier and made it easy for all our employees to create on-brand, effective content”

Moa Wennlöf

Time saving

Access to on-brand images, logos and other marketing assets at the touch of a button.

A collage of photos on a computer screen

About Mercuri Urval

Founded in Sweden in 1967, Mercuri Urval is a global leader in leadership acquisition and advisory, focusing on accurate leader selection and development. Partnering with over 3,000 companies in more than 60 countries, Mercuri Urval’s 600+ employees operate from over 50 offices across Europe, Asia, and the Americas.