BDO Norway

How BDO Norway maintains a unified brand worldwide

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70 offices


BDO Norway’s brand priorities

Brand consistency is vital to BDO Norway’s customer experience. However, it was having trouble ensuring that each of its offices used up-to-date document templates and digital assets whenever employees created documents and presentations.

The results

  • Solving the issue of keeping documents on-brand
  • Access to the right content for consistent document output
  • Getting peace of mind with brand consistency
How BDO Norway optimized its brand
Solving the issue of keeping documents on-brand

BDO Norway’s Marketing Manager, Caroline Wilander, explains the issues they were experiencing regarding document inconsistency prior to finding a solution:

“Previously, we had a variety of templates for Word and PowerPoint. Some templates were shared on our intranet, but many employees reused old presentations, reports and documents. This led to a high risk of inconsistency in how our company was presented externally, in terms of bids, proposals, reports, letters and presentations.”

On-brand presentation templates are now easily accessed by employees inside PowerPoint via a task pane. The integration with BDO’s DAM system provides direct access to images without ever having to leave the program.

Access to the right content for consistent document output

Once the company had identified a template management solution that fit its needs, Caroline goes on to explain how that affected employee workflow and output:

“Since implementing Templafy, all our employees have the same set of templates at hand when creating documents and presentations. This leads to a more consistent and professional profile, and ensures that our brand is easily recognized.”

Getting peace of mind with brand consistency

BDO Norway’s marketing team now has peace of mind when it comes to brand consistency and document productivity. Caroline continues:

“I am happy to know that our brand is consistently presented across service lines and offices. In addition, developing presentations and documents is more efficient.”

BDO Norway finds the Library and integration with its digital asset management (DAM) system particularly beneficial because it makes it possible for employees to access everything they need to create on-brand documents, presentations, and emails directly within in Microsoft 365 programs.

About BDO Norway

BDO Norway is part of the BDO network of professional services providers, with over 65,000 employees worldwide. It provides a range of services within the areas of audit, accounting, consultancy, and taxation and duties.

BDO Norway values local knowledge and working closely with its customers, which it does through 70 offices located throughout the country.

Internationally, BDO is present in 162 countries and employs more than 74,000 people. This extensive network allows them to draw on significant resources worldwide to work for both their international and national customers.