Office 365 Productivity: How Microsoft’s cloud is changing your game

In today’s world of mobile working, the tagline of enterprise cloud solutions seems to revolve around three pivotal factors – business transformation, lower IT costs and employee productivity.
Amidst the past few years of cloud hype, however, it has become increasingly difficult to extricate the hard facts from the haze around the fair bit of cloud computing buzzwords and decipher the real value of cloud-based Office 365 productivity tools in the workplace.
How exactly does the cloud lighten IT efforts, how does it affect overall business growth and is it able to notably drive employee productivity?
In late 2014, Microsoft commissioned Forrester Research to complete a comprehensive study to unravel the true benefits of Office 365 against Microsoft’s comparable on-premises applications installed on a local server or desktop.
Here are some of the key insights about Office 365 productivity (to get the Forrester’s full report, click here).