Author: Templafy
All you need to know about marketing collateral management
Marketing collateral management is an important method for brands to ensure consistency and enhance their marketing efforts. Read on to learn how Templafy can help brands streamline their marketing collateral management processes to achieve a consistent and compliant brand!
How to do enterprise digital asset management
Enterprise digital asset management is increasing in importance as large companies are amassing brand files, documents, presentations and other digital assets on a scale never seen before. This can become a mess if the files aren’t stored, maintained, and distributed in a systematic way.
What is enterprise content management?
How to boost productivity, ensure accuracy, and speed up turnaround times with Enterprise Content Management.
Optimized workflow with digital asset management software
Digital asset management software is becoming increasingly popular as companies produce more and more digital assets. But why is it important to approach the management of these assets in a systematic manner?
What is reputational risk?
Reputational risk is faced by every company, but few are aware of it. Learn more about different kinds of threats to your company’s reputation – and how to manage it.
What is reputational risk management?
Every company faces some level of reputational risk. Learn how to decrease risk and protect your company’s reputation.
What is corporate reputation management?
Corporate reputation management is becoming increasingly important for companies across the globe. Why is that, and what can be done to protect a company’s reputation?
Why all companies should have digital brand guidelines
Brands need to be consistent in order to win customers, and one of the best ways of doing that is by having clear digital brand guidelines that specify how the brand should be portrayed. Such guidelines can help companies define their brands and ensure a clean, consistent identity.
How to improve your digital asset management workflow
For any professional, it is important to have a streamlined digital asset management workflow. In this blog post, we will guide you to creating an optimal workflow for locating, retrieving and using digital assets in a streamlined manner.
Why you should have a brand compliance strategy
Brand compliance is becoming increasingly important, yet many companies haven’t yet implemented a strategy for it. Learn how you can start protecting and enhancing your brand!