Author: Templafy
What is Microsoft Azure? Microsoft Cloud Service explained
Microsoft Azure is one of the biggest public cloud computing infrastructures to date, even larger than Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Oracle. Fortune 500 companies in a variety of different industries, from BMW to Coca Cola, have migrated to the cloud using Microsoft’s Azure service.
Document workflow management in the digital age
If your team creates documents, presentations, spreadsheets or emails during the working day, your business — whether you know it or not — has a document management strategy in place. The only question is if that strategy is working or not.
5 reasons why your business should migrate to Microsoft 365
Microsoft Office 365 (now Microsoft 365) is generating quite a buzz from both large enterprises and small businesses these days. Recent trends have seen organizations become increasingly comfortable with the idea of using the services of the cloud-based platform to drive business productivity at a flexible, calculable cost.
What is enterprise content in the modern workplace?
Whether you work in Sales or Operations, HR or PR, in today’s digital-first workplace, your job also needs you to be a content creator – and a prolific one at that.
Brand archetypes: examples from leading brands and how to find yours
Earlier this year, the most loved and valuable brands in the world were revealed – with staples like Apple, Amazon, and Google taking top spots, and newcomers like TikTok and WeChat given high marks for growth.
Content is everything: the future of content in the Digital HQ
For most of us, our place of work looks very different today than it did just a couple of years ago.
Rebrand activation: how to ensure the ROI from your rebrand
Rebrands are like snowflakes: no two are exactly the same.
5 Excel template resources for accounting and bookkeeping
When managing your organization’s or department’s finances and budgeting, it’s essential to have a good, reliable and easy bookkeeping system that can help you in your everyday accounting tasks. There are many templates available online to suit this exact purpose, meaning it’s never been easier to ensure you’re making your finance tasks as simple as…
Industry Branding Series: Branding Financial Services
Read how Templafy helps companies with their corporate branding and brand management.
Salesforce x Templafy: Excel in the application you already use
When it comes to business tools, organizations can accidentally find themselves with too much of a good thing.